Geosynthetics is progressively developing trend in the civil engineering. That is used almost by every constructor these days. There is a such a wide range of options of material and type, that to be familiar with all of i tis difficult even for an experienced designer or constructor. We are engaged in technical support and supply of geosynthetics.
Separation we understand as a segregationn of two different materials with a geotechnical product in between. Filtration allows a long term flow of fluid from the soil in perpendicular direction to the geosynthetic material and at the same time it prevents uncontrolled movement of solid particles in the direction of the flow. The most suitable product with the function of separation and filtration is a nonwoven geotextile.
Drainage geocomposite is a geosyntethic product, that collects and drains fluid from a drained structure and is levelled with the product. It is used to substitute drainage layers of natural materials during realisation of embankments for traffic engineering, landfills and so on.
Uses tensile properties of geosynthetic materials for transferring tension or preventing from deformation of geotechnical constructions. Reinforcing elements in the body of the embankment acting mostly as tensile reinforcement and increase and secure the stability of the embankment. Geosynthetic reinforcement along with loose material forms a block of reinforced soil, which must have a sufficient width and shape to be stable enough to shift all external loads. For reinforcing embankments, they are usually used single-axle reinforcement elements based on polymers such as geogrids, geostrips, geotextiles and other geocomposites. All reinforcing materials shall have such a strength and deformation properties that allow to provide a primary reinforcing function.
It is necessary for transport structures, communications, or paved surfaces in areas with occurrence of weak subsoils. Horizontal geosynthetic reinforcement in combination with a suitable backfill ensures higher deformation resistance of the surface layer and simultaneously ensures control of uneven settlements of layers. The biaxial and multi-axial geogrids are the most commonly used, geotextiles and geocomposites less common. Standard tensile strength for this kind of an application ranges from (20-20) kN / m to (100-100) kN / m. Using rigid geogrids is recommended.
The principle of use of geosynthetics is preventing the movement of soil particles on the surface of the slope due to the action of water, wind and enable the growth of naturally or artificially planted vegetation. The designer has to takes into account the height and inclination of the slope, type of protected soil, when he is designing erosion control geomats. Geomats may be of different thickness, be reinforced with geogrid, or with steel mesh, depending on the application.